Artist Umendra Pratap Singh
Pictures and relics of Umendra Pratap are actually pictures and thought pillars which give a new direction to a picture. The stones and the caves made of them, on which the man painted his civilization, the stage of progress in the order of development. In which man-made pottery and tools made of stone and metal are included. Now the stone caves are not only for human beings to live in but beyond that they have been made as a symbol of their splendor, prosperity and power. Idols are also seen in different forms in these empires / palaces / civilizations. To see Umendra in the picture of Umendra is to see a human civilization.

Which now faded in the course of time and remained a step in the rise of new language, art and culture, as well as left behind the grandeur of those stones, which are now the flower of history trough, which smells different in different times and the same flower. lives. The remains of his art culture are visible among us today in different forms. It is a remnant. And it will pass, that too will be a remnant. These are not only the remains, they are also the stones of our past which were carved, decorated and made creative by humans, there are also stories of the chronology of human civilization. These remnants, they will be remnants. Pictures created on Umendra Pratap’s burnt white canvas are visible. Which is made with acrylic color. Whose title is also a remnant. The composition of Umendra is one-part and somewhere it is two-part.
Umendra is a Artist working in Lucknow for more than a decade. His education was from BHU Banaras U.P. To see the paintings of Umendra Pratap is to see a civilization.